1. What is it?

Weight loss should be taken seriously, as long as it is not voluntary. For this, the doctor takes into account the reference weight or the last known weight.
A loss of 10 kg does not have the same meaning if the starting weight does or does not reflect overweight or underweight. Weight loss is 2% in one week, 5% in one
month, or 10% or more in three months.
Recorded weight loss should be analyzed only on the basis of body mass index measurement (BMI: weight in kg divided by height per square meter). It incorporates the concept of size and allows to better clarify the boundaries between normal weight, overweight and thinness:
less than 17 kg / m2: thinness
between 17 and 20 kg / m2: weight loss
between 20 and 25 kg / m2: normal
between 25 and 30 kg / m2: overweight
greater than 30 kg / m2: obesity
2. What causes?
Weight loss is due to different factors and depends on the metabolism of each.
The origins of weight loss are variable, physical and psychological. This weight loss may be due:
excessive external losses;
insufficient nutritional intake in relation to needs;
energy consumption of the body increased for various reasons.
Some people burn calories consumed faster than others. We then speak of individuals with rapid metabolism. In these people, it can be difficult to reach and maintain a stable weight. The speed of metabolism is linked to the gene pool, but can be accelerated by factors such as stress, exposure to very hot or cold temperatures, nicotine, caffeine and muscle density.
In addition, certain diseases or conditions exert a strong energy demand on the body, which can lead to weight loss. This is particularly the case of cancer, hyperthyroidism and certain infections. Weight loss can also be explained by malabsorption of nutrients such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and celiac disease.
3. What are the foods associated with weight loss?
Vegetables, whole grains, fruits and nuts are associated with weight loss.
In contrast, the foods associated with weight loss are vegetables (- 0.09 kg for each additional portion per day), whole grains (- 0.16 kg), fruits (- 0.22 kg) , miscellaneous nuts (- 0.25 kg) and yogurts (- 0.37 kg) 1.
To prevent weight gain in the long term, it seems more useful to improve the quality of carbohydrates, by reducing sugary drinks (soda), fried foods (chips, fries) and refined cereals (white bread, white sweetbreads etc.). .), favoring low-processed foods.
Research has also shown that the consumption of green tea fights insulin resistance and can participate in the regulation of weight2. The abilities of green tea to increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation seem specifically due to the presence of catechins, the antioxidants of tea. In addition, during a diet, tea consumption, by limiting the drop in energy expenditure due to low energy intake, promotes faster weight loss and successfully limits weight recovery at the end of the diet.
4. How to regain weight?
To gain weight, it is important to add snacks, foods with high energy density.
It is recommended to increase calorie intake for people who need to gain weight. Such a diet must provide, on average, 500 kcal more than normal intake, in order to generate a weight gain of 500 g per week. Although all foods are allowed, it is best to maintain a balanced diet.
To consume 500 more calories, you must:
stimulate your appetite by indulging in a tasty dish or stimulating the digestive enzyme by drinking a glass of tomato or orange juice at the beginning of your meal
consume foods with high energy density: dried fruit, banana, avocado, corn, cheese, yoghurt etc.
increase calorie intake
add snacks in addition to meals
do moderate intensity physical activity