
The United States is back on top of the giant computers

For the first time since 2012, the United States will return to China with the world's fastest supercomputers via the Summit computer. IBM and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), the US Department of Energy, A giant computer of the Ministry of Energy, so that IBM claims that this computer is the largest and most intelligent computer in the world.

Summit has an exceptional capacity of 200 petaflops or 200,000 trillion calculations per second, making it the fastest current supercomputer on the Sunway TaihuLight computer, designed by the China National Research Center for Parallel Computing and Technology (NRCPC) and located at the National Computing Center of Wuxi Which has a capacity of 125 petaflop.

The new computer offers more than the fastest supercomputer in the US Titan Cray XK7 by 5-10 times. Titan is the fastest supercomputer available at the US Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Up to 17.6 petaflop.

The capabilities of this computer, which has been under development for several years, help to place it at the top of the top 500 global supercomputer rating list, which ranks the most powerful supercomputer based on the Linpack standard and is released twice a year.

The Summit computer includes up to 4608 servers, each with two IBM Power9 chips, each of which includes 22 processing core, 6 Nvidia Tesla V100 graphics processing modules per server, 10 bytes of RAM, and Because of NVIDIA graphics processing units, it is not surprising that this computer is used for learning automation and deep learning applications, as well as the high-power computing functions of advanced research, advanced materials and nuclear science.
IBM is the primary developer of this computer, collaborating with Nvidia, RedHat and Mellanox, specialists in InfiniBand networks to deliver this new computer. "The advanced hardware on Summit's computer provides a great platform for researchers," says Jeff Nichols, director of the computer science and computing lab at ORNL. To analyze large data sets and create smart programs to speed up discovery. "

Rick Perry, US Secretary of Energy, Bill Haslam, and Thomas Zacharia, director of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, talked about how science and society could benefit from the new supercomputer. Summit has the ability to calculate 30 years Of data saved on a desktop computer in one hour.

The United States has a long history of advanced computing, but China has been able to outperform it in recent years. China now boasts its world's fastest supercomputer Sunway TaihuLight and Tianhe-2, together with the Swiss Piz Daint computer and the Japanese Gyoukou computer. China is currently developing a new Tianhe-3, which is expected to be unveiled in 2020, with a computing capacity of up to Xafloop or A-Petaflop.

The Summit computer is the latest generation of IBM's next-generation computers to be developed for the US Department of Energy. There is another computer called Sierra, which will be located at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The computer is scheduled to be unveiled. This year, with a capacity of up to 125 Bitaflop, but both systems are much stronger than any giant computer currently in the Department of Energy.